
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Time is Near....

Miss Waho holding a bee.

Goodbye, farewell, see you sometime soon...

Highlights: Being introduced to James Russell and reading his books in class. Also spending time with my friends and having Miss Waho as my teacher.

Lowlights: Some people being on the wrong thing on devices and everyone else also gets banned from devices for a bit. Having disagreements with my friends. Having to leave at the end of the year. 😭 

Being on the wrong thing!
Headlights: Making new friends at my new school. Keeping in touch with my present friends. Moving into my new house. Going to a intermediate. Trying new things.

One of my friends. I want to make more friends next year.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018



Kia ora everyone!
Today I made a google drawing about my ambitions for life and mine are really hard to achieve but I am going to keep going in baby steps and I will make it!

This week we're learning about ambition and we had to make a google drawing about our ambitions and, it was pretty easy for me because I already had a lot of goals that I must achieve and that is basically what ambition is. Here is my hard work!

Ambition Link

Lunch Eating - Expectations

Lunch Eating - Expectations

Kia ora everyone! 
Yesterday we had to make a google drawing about our lunch eating expectations and I think I pretty much nailed it. We were allowed to be collaborative so I paired up with my best friend Hayley. We worked pretty hard on it and we hope that you like it and think that it will help the juniors. So here is our hard work Lunch Eating - Expectations slide.
Sorry if it's blurry and you can't see it. So for that reason here is the link to it as well. 😃
Lunch Eating -Expectations

I think we have nailed it and don't need a next step for this so keep checking out my blog to see my latest blog posts. 

Thursday, November 22, 2018



This week we had to do a slide about Honesty! I loved doing the slide with my BFF Nevaeh! My other friends were in it two but they left the slide😢. But we carried on without them.

We hope that you enjoy it and don't be dishonest if you don't need to be!


Last week we had to make a slide about Tolerance. I hadn't finished it with my friends but we finished it the other day and want to share it with you guys!

I hope you like the slide and learn something about what Tolerance is. Enjoy and buckle up! (Sorry my blog posts have been messed up lately)

My next step is to understand it more without help of my friends.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Writing and Science Mystery Doug!

Writing and Science

Mystery Doug

Today for Writing, we watched two Mystery Doug clips.  One on leaves changing colour in autumn and one about dragons being real or not.  We got to choose which topic to write about and what type of writing we would do.

I chose to do a play and a report about: Why do leaves change colours in autumn? I answered that question pretty easily after I watched the clip by Mystery Doug about it. I found it slightly hard to remember everything so I did a little bit of research and made it into basically only my words.

I'm very proud of what I did on the report one and I think that's the best that I could have done! I hope you guys find it my best post so far and I hope you enjoyed it and learnt something. Nature isn't the easiest thing to learn and then write about because of some of the worlds most difficult words. 

Mystery Doug is a nice, kind guy who posts videos weekly on his own website! He makes videos about questions kids send him. When he pulls them out of the jar he only pulls out 3 and makes the people who watch him vote on one of those 3 things and then he does a video on it and it's really fun to watch the videos and it teaches me some cool and funny things.

Here is my slide on my report! :D

My next step is to be able to write a bit more in amount of time I had.

That's all from m today! I hope you enjoyed and learnt something!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Working Together! Group Work.

Working Together!

Today we were doing group work for our school-wide expectation. This week our school-wide expectation is Group Work! Group work means like collarating on some work like for example statistics.
Here is a photo of one of our groups that we have:
This group has Skyla,Hayley & Nevaeh in it! They were sharing ideas and taking turns.

Here is a screenshot of our Groups Skills:
My next step is to improve on letting people finish speaking and not barging on in.