Today was the FIRST DAY OF THE SCHOOL HOLIDAY and I got to do lots and lots of things like...
Go on the new slide at Margrite mahie park.
Go on the bus 4 times.
Drop Soul off at Daycare and pick him up.
Do some cards and drop something's off.
Go to the bank.
Go to the Supermarket and go home and have dinner.
And more but I am to lazy to write in order and put the rest in but leave a comment if you want it in order and you want to know the rest and here is a slide.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
School Year 2016
This year has been fun with all the art that we have done and learning as well and this year will always be stuck in my mind and I will never forget you no matter what because you are the best teacher with all the other teachers I hope that the rest of my School year will be awesome. I will miss you being my teacher.

This is me.
This year has been awesome and I will never forget this year. I have learnt a lot over this year and I will soon reach my goal that I am planning to reach for the whole year and that is to be a smart cookie and have a fun time at school and learn lots of stuff and you will always going to a awesome teacher to me no matter what people say.
I will miss you being my teacher.

This is me.
This year has been awesome and I will never forget this year. I have learnt a lot over this year and I will soon reach my goal that I am planning to reach for the whole year and that is to be a smart cookie and have a fun time at school and learn lots of stuff and you will always going to a awesome teacher to me no matter what people say.
I will miss you being my teacher.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
X-mas Animation!!
For the last two weeks I have been working on this slide called X-mas Animation and if you don't know what a Animation is well you will soon by looking at my slide and it is a Example two. Here is my slide.
Next time I think that I am going to make it in a house or a lost dog.
Next time I think that I am going to make it in a house or a lost dog.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
The Dream Giver
Today we were learning about poems.
The Dream Giver
He looks like mosquito .
He sounds like a Fly .
He moves as a quick as a flash .
When he enters a room children will be as quiet as a Angle.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Thursday, November 17, 2016
How to brush your teeth
We were learning to write a story about how to brush your teeth.
First you get your toothbrush and toothpaste.
Next put the toothpaste on your toothbrush.
Then you turn on the tap and put your toothbrush under the water.
After that you brush your teeth.
When you’re finished brushing your teeth you spit the toothpaste in the sink.
Lastly you wipe your face.
That is how you brush your teeth.

If you want a video then leave it down below.
Next time I am going to think of more to write.
First you get your toothbrush and toothpaste.
Then you turn on the tap and put your toothbrush under the water.
After that you brush your teeth.
When you’re finished brushing your teeth you spit the toothpaste in the sink.
Lastly you wipe your face.
That is how you brush your teeth.
If you want a video then leave it down below.
Next time I am going to think of more to write.
Little garden!!
Today we did a little garden and the little garden came from New world and the seed didn't come individually. I got Fennel seeds and they were in a bit of Velcro so we didn't lose them. First we got the seeds and the dirt biscuit. Then we got a plate and a spoon to put the dirt biscuit on. After I put the dirt biscuit on the pate I grabbed some water and put it on the dirt biscuit then it started to grow bigger. Then you have to put the dirt at the bottom of the pot and then you have to put the seeds on top of the dirt in the velcro after you put the seeds in you put the rest of the dirt in the pot.
Here are some tips.
.The sprouting time: 7-14 days.
.The repotting time is when it outgrows the pot.
.You have to harvest the plant between: 65-90 days.
. You have to keep Fennel at room temperature.
Then your plant will be done.
I am looking ford to eating my Fennel plant.
Here are some tips.
.The sprouting time: 7-14 days.
.The repotting time is when it outgrows the pot.
.You have to harvest the plant between: 65-90 days.
. You have to keep Fennel at room temperature.
Then your plant will be done.
I am looking ford to eating my Fennel plant.
Not Suitable For Children Under 3
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Dream Project!!
Today we had this thing that we do every week on Wednesdays but we are doing it all week so we can get it done and over with but here are some photos of what we have done so far.
But first I want to tell you about the dream project.
The dream project is a project that we have to do even if it is a rainey day and we are doing the dream project to make the school a better place for everyone.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
The Marshmallow Monster!!
For the last 2 weeks we have been working on a story. The story is about a monster that came out of a pond and wanted to have some Marshmallows but instead in the end he burnt a pillow because he thought it was a Marshmallow. Here is my writing.
We are learning to write a narrative.
The Marshmallow- By Zoey and Emalea.
It was a dark and stormy night. There was a monster lurking around in a stinky swamp “ewwww”
There was a little boy that was walking around in the dark woods and he was all alone and know one was around and he fell like someone, was watching him. He just noticed that it was, a full moon and he could hear wolves howling at the full moon. All of a sudden the ,Marshmallow monster jumped out of the swamp making a huge SPLASH!!! After the little boy heard the Splash he jumped with, a fright. Then the gooey stinky monster stared at the little boys yummy packet of marshmallow. Then the little boy gave the stinky swamp monster gave him the cute, puppy eyes, then the boy chucked him one marshmallow and then, he gave him more and more then was only one left and then the, marshmallow and chomp he ate the marshmallow then the boy, yelled so hard.“Ahhhhhh help help” But nobody was around to help him. Then the monster shook his head and the boy fell down. Then he ran and got his pillow and put it on a stick. After that he throw the pillow out into the frost. After that the boy runs the opposite way of the monster out to the other side of the forest and then the monster tries to roast the marshmallow. When he tries to roast the pillow i sent up into flames and then it turned into ashes. After the pillow went into ashes the Monster started crying.
Next time I am going to try and think more about what happened in the video.
If you want me to add the video just say in the comments down below.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Oral languge
Oral language
Today we have to tell you about something that we do every week or everyday and I have decided to write about Oral language and I had a lot of choices like Steps web, Matific, Mathletics, Writing, Oral language and things that we do in math time. I think that Oral language is a awesome pick for me because I learn more about Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Nouns which will make my writing better so it sounds more catching instead of just saying "I went for a walk." By know that is not a sentence I have really improved my writing by Oral language. If you are wondering who takes Oral language it is Mrs Pam Miss Morgan's Mother and they teach at Gilberthorpe School a awesome School to learn things. Now I am going to Write down some words that we thought of in Oral language. First verbs for Cloud people and they are off a move called Partly Cloudy I think. Here are the words. Making, lightning, Jealous, Creating magic. Those were only the Verbs but we still have to do Adjectives and they are about Describing things. Here are the words. Big, Strong, Magic, Wizard, lonely, white, Soft, Pink, Bad, Baby Blue. Those are Describing the Cloud people and there is more to but I don't want to Bore you and if you want me to write more about it leave it in the comments down below where it says comments.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Every Wednesday we have to do this thing call our dream project in Rata class. It is about making our school look awesome for other people and we have enjoyed, it so far and people are loving what we have been doing and I hope you do two here, are some of the photos that got put into our school drive. I have been helping my team to built some of the things that are going, to be in Pixie Hollow like some ladybugs and bumblebees for a chess board game.
Here are the photos of them.

I think that next time I should put my team into the slide next time.
Today we had to do Fractions and we had to do Identify Mixed Numbers With Number Line Models and it was very hard to do because it got me so confused.
Today we had to do Fractions and we had to do Identify Mixed Numbers With Number Line Models and it was very hard to do because it got me so confused.
I think that I need keep on trying and get my speed up so then I can get them done faster than what I am right now.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
Last week on Friday the whole school had to do Athletics It was awesome and I had to do shot put first and I got up to stage 2 It took me 15 mins to get to that stage and my points for Score are 2 and my points for Effort are 3 so my total for shot put is 5.
Then my next activity was Sprints and I got 1 for my Score and a 3 for my Effort and It was so far to run that my legs were in pain after.
After that activity I had to do Distance and I got a 3 on my Scores and a 3 for Effort and I had to run 500 meters.
Then I had to do long jump and my best was 2.20 and my Effort was a 3 again and I had to bet a lot of people but I came 3rd place.
Then I had Discus and I was bad at it because my Score was 1 and my Effort was a 3 again and that totaled up to 227 for my Score and my Effort was 18.
Here are some photos:

Then my next activity was Sprints and I got 1 for my Score and a 3 for my Effort and It was so far to run that my legs were in pain after.
After that activity I had to do Distance and I got a 3 on my Scores and a 3 for Effort and I had to run 500 meters.
Then I had to do long jump and my best was 2.20 and my Effort was a 3 again and I had to bet a lot of people but I came 3rd place.
Then I had Discus and I was bad at it because my Score was 1 and my Effort was a 3 again and that totaled up to 227 for my Score and my Effort was 18.
Here are some photos:

Next time I am going to try and get first place.
If you want me to make a slide about Athletics then leave it down below in the comments.
Last week on Friday the whole school had to do Athletics It was awesome and I had to do shot put first and I got up to stage 2 It took me 15 mins to get to that stage and my points for Score are 2 and my points for Effort are 3 so my total for shot put is 5.
Then my next activity was Sprints and I got 1 for my Score and a 3 for my Effort and It was so far to run that my legs were in pain after.
After that activity I had to do Distance and I got a three on my Scores and a 3 for Effort and I had to run 500 meters.
Then I had to do long jump and my best was 2.20 and my Effort was a 3 again and I had to bet a lot of people but I came 3d place.E
Then I had Discus and I was bad at it because my Score was 1 and my Effort was a 3 again and that totaled up to 227 for my Score and my Effort was 18.
Then my next activity was Sprints and I got 1 for my Score and a 3 for my Effort and It was so far to run that my legs were in pain after.
After that activity I had to do Distance and I got a three on my Scores and a 3 for Effort and I had to run 500 meters.
Then I had to do long jump and my best was 2.20 and my Effort was a 3 again and I had to bet a lot of people but I came 3d place.E
Then I had Discus and I was bad at it because my Score was 1 and my Effort was a 3 again and that totaled up to 227 for my Score and my Effort was 18.
Hexagonal Prisms Learning Intention
We have been learning about Hexagonal Prisms Learning Intention.
Next time I think I will tell you more about it.
Next time I think I will tell you more about it.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Whole or Mixed Numbers
Today in Rimu class did Fractions and I learned what Whole or Mixed Numbers are.
I think next time I will do ten questions so I will know my Fractions right off the bat.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Ikan test 1
Today we did an Ikan test. Then we had to make our Ikan test on a slide and we had to screencastify it.
I think next time I need to make sure that there are no spaces in the fractions.
I think next time I need to make sure that there are no spaces in the fractions.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Typing Club
Typing skills VS Typing club
It all started on 21.09.16 when our teacher Miss morgan said to go onto this new website called Typing club after we tried out Typing club Miss morgan said to decide what we like more out of Typing club and Typing skills I decided Typing Club because it is a lot more funner than Typing skills.
House of lego with Neveah!!
On Monday 19th of September Rata and Tawa Class went down to Kiwi Class to play with some lego. We weren't aloud to make any thing we wanted to make because we had to build certain things like a zoo or you had to copy a photo of a building. It was so so so hard to build if you didn't go with a buddy. I did so it was a lot more easier to build things like a penguin and trees for my garden so I could get more done on the lego house thing.
Here are some photo's of what we did and a photo of my buddy and me and a photo of just my buddy Nevaeh.
This photo is me and Nevaeh I think Mrs Garner took this photo of me and nevaeh because we were working as a team.
I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because Nevaeh
and I had finished our garden out of lego.

I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because nevaeh and I had finished the zoo that we made.
I think I need to build quicker next time.
Here are some photo's of what we did and a photo of my buddy and me and a photo of just my buddy Nevaeh.
This photo is me and Nevaeh I think Mrs Garner took this photo of me and nevaeh because we were working as a team.
I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because Nevaeh
and I had finished our garden out of lego.

I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because nevaeh and I had finished the zoo that we made.
I think I need to build quicker next time.
House of lego with Neveah!!
On Monday 19th of September Rata and Tawa Class went down to Kiwi Class to play with some lego but we weren't aloud to make any thing we wanted to make because we had to build certain things like a zoo or you had to copy a photo of a building in lego and a garden out of lego so It was so so so hard to build if you didn't go in a buddy but I did so it was a lot more easier to build things like a penguin and trees for my garden so I could get more done on the lego house thing.
Here are some photo's of what we did and a photo of my buddy and me and a photo of just my buddy Nevaeh.
This photo is me and Nevaeh I think Mrs Garner took this photo of me and nevaeh because we were working as a team.
I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because nevaeh
and I had finished our garden out of lego.

I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because nevaeh and I had finished the zoo that we made.
I think I need to build quicker next time.
Here are some photo's of what we did and a photo of my buddy and me and a photo of just my buddy Nevaeh.
This photo is me and Nevaeh I think Mrs Garner took this photo of me and nevaeh because we were working as a team.
I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because nevaeh
and I had finished our garden out of lego.

I think that Mrs Garner took this photo because nevaeh and I had finished the zoo that we made.
I think I need to build quicker next time.
Olympic Drawings!!
A few days ago I had to draw what I know a about the Olympics and I did it on a google drawing.
I think that my next step is to draw on paper instead of doing it on a google drawing so I can get better at drawing on paper.
I think that my next step is to draw on paper instead of doing it on a google drawing so I can get better at drawing on paper.
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