Oral language
Today we have to tell you about something that we do every week or everyday and I have decided to write about Oral language and I had a lot of choices like Steps web, Matific, Mathletics, Writing, Oral language and things that we do in math time. I think that Oral language is a awesome pick for me because I learn more about Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Nouns which will make my writing better so it sounds more catching instead of just saying "I went for a walk." By know that is not a sentence I have really improved my writing by Oral language. If you are wondering who takes Oral language it is Mrs Pam Miss Morgan's Mother and they teach at Gilberthorpe School a awesome School to learn things. Now I am going to Write down some words that we thought of in Oral language. First verbs for Cloud people and they are off a move called Partly Cloudy I think. Here are the words. Making, lightning, Jealous, Creating magic. Those were only the Verbs but we still have to do Adjectives and they are about Describing things. Here are the words. Big, Strong, Magic, Wizard, lonely, white, Soft, Pink, Bad, Baby Blue. Those are Describing the Cloud people and there is more to but I don't want to Bore you and if you want me to write more about it leave it in the comments down below where it says comments.