Here is what I did.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Eco Depot 2017
A few weeks ago we went on a school trip to this place called the Eco Depot. I really enjoyed it and it was so interesting but also it stinked at the same time. My favourite part probably was sorting out what worms can eat and what they can't eat. My least favourite part was the smell and worm pee one because worm pee is gross and it smelt like scraps and all that gross stuff. A few days after the trip to the Eco Depot we had to make a google drawing of a compost bin and we had to put all the layers in it and in the right order or a suitable order.
Here is what I did.

Here is what I did.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Thursday, November 2, 2017
A few weeks ago we did ten minutes and fifteen minutes writing and I thought that I would share some of it with you. Just so you know it isn't finished because I am showing you how much I can write in 15 minutes.
Suddenly I woke up with a burst of excitement!!! Today was the day… the day I get a puppy, I was so excited because I had been waiting for months and months, and today was the day of the month the one day that I had been waiting for. So I quickly got out of bed and zoomed to my wardrobe and found this really pretty purple and black dress. Once I was dressed I went straight to the kitchen grabbed some toast and buttered it and put some jam on it and then ate it as fast as possible and then I ran to my Dad and asked “ Are we going to go to the pet shop to get my puppy now??” and my Dad replied “Yes so hop in the car and we’ll get going.” So I hopped into the car and clipped myself in and my Dad clipped my little brother Thomas in and then my Dad hopped in started the car. Chitter Chitter Boom!!! oh no… the car wouldn’t start!! I was so angry and so so upset because I had waited and waited for this day and now the car won’t start but after a little while I remembered that we could just walk or bike to the pet shop since we are only a block away from the pet shop. So I told my Dad and he said “ Wow!! Why didn’t I think of that.” So then I grabbed my bike and Thomas’s bike and my Dad grabbed his bike and all of our helmets and we started biking and by the time I got there it was lunch so we quickly locked our bikes up and went inside. We had a look at all the dogs, there were and the one I really liked was the golden retriever puppy and she was a female to… and it was all I want was a female puppy but then I wondered how we were going to get her home and what was I going to name her… then suddenly I remembered that she is small enough to fit in the front basket of my bike and she shouldn’t weigh to much and I thought of some really good names for her and my favourite was Rose and of course she was going to have the same last name as me.
I hope you liked my writing, I still need to improve though.
Suddenly I woke up with a burst of excitement!!! Today was the day… the day I get a puppy, I was so excited because I had been waiting for months and months, and today was the day of the month the one day that I had been waiting for. So I quickly got out of bed and zoomed to my wardrobe and found this really pretty purple and black dress. Once I was dressed I went straight to the kitchen grabbed some toast and buttered it and put some jam on it and then ate it as fast as possible and then I ran to my Dad and asked “ Are we going to go to the pet shop to get my puppy now??” and my Dad replied “Yes so hop in the car and we’ll get going.” So I hopped into the car and clipped myself in and my Dad clipped my little brother Thomas in and then my Dad hopped in started the car. Chitter Chitter Boom!!! oh no… the car wouldn’t start!! I was so angry and so so upset because I had waited and waited for this day and now the car won’t start but after a little while I remembered that we could just walk or bike to the pet shop since we are only a block away from the pet shop. So I told my Dad and he said “ Wow!! Why didn’t I think of that.” So then I grabbed my bike and Thomas’s bike and my Dad grabbed his bike and all of our helmets and we started biking and by the time I got there it was lunch so we quickly locked our bikes up and went inside. We had a look at all the dogs, there were and the one I really liked was the golden retriever puppy and she was a female to… and it was all I want was a female puppy but then I wondered how we were going to get her home and what was I going to name her… then suddenly I remembered that she is small enough to fit in the front basket of my bike and she shouldn’t weigh to much and I thought of some really good names for her and my favourite was Rose and of course she was going to have the same last name as me.
I hope you liked my writing, I still need to improve though.
Athletics Writing!!
A few days ago we had athletics and I had to do some writing and I write a lot for 45 minutes but it isn't finished but I am still putting it on.
Suddenly I woke up with a burst of excitement!!! Today was athletics and I had been waiting for nearly two weeks, to be able to do athletics because I have known that we were going to do athletics, since the beginning of the term. So I quickly got out of bed and power walked to my draws, and pulled out the clothes that I was going to wear for athletics that were sporty like. After I got dressed I power walked to the kitchen and grabbed out the cereal. When I had finished eating my breakfast I went and brushed my hair, then I grabbed my shoes from the front door, and put them on. When I was all ready I waited for my Dad and my little Brother (Thomas) to finish getting read. Once everyone was ready we walked to the car and hopped in and then we went and then we had to wait to get through the traffic. When had gotten through the traffic we went and dropped Thomas off first at Prebbleton Daycare. Then we went and had to wait to get through the traffic again which is what we do everyday because Thomas’s Day care is further than my school.
When I had gotten to school I waited for the 8:30 bell to ring. When the 8:3o bell did ring I quickly took off my shoes and ran inside and when I had gotten inside I quickly power walked to the green zone to put away my bag. When I had put away my bag I went and sat at a table with Mikayla and coloured in some pictures of adorable cats, and Safiyya join like 5 minutes later for 20 minutes, till the bell rang. After the bell rang I ran straight to the mat. When everyone got to the mat we did the roll and then we went and did some writing because the juniors were doing athletics first, so we had to wait till 11.30 to do our athletics.
When it was athletics we went to our first activity and my first one was Long Jump with Miss Waho, and I had the feeling of butterflies in my stomach the whole time I was doing Long Jump and it is one of my favourite things to do in athletics. When it was my turn I ran up and jumped from the blue part of the mat and landed with a… THUMP!!! We went in turns and Skyla can first place with... 2.80 meters!! And I came second with… 2.44 meters!! And I don’t know who came third and we all got a… 5!! For effort but the max was supposed to be 3 but I was aloud to keep my five.
After Long Jump my group went to Dicus and we started behind a white cone and I was first and I got to go behind cone one and so did a lot of other people but some of the other people got to go behind three and two which were better than one because I was really hard but I think that I did a good job. Once we had finished Discus we walked to our next activity and it was shot put which I thought was really hard but I was okay at and I didn’t get into the top three but I tried. When we had finished Shot Put we went to Sprints,
I hope you like what I have written so far.
Today I did protect and it was really fun because I tried some new stages and I tried stage 7 and I got around 50% but I forgot to take a screenshot of it so I ended up just taking a screenshot of stage 6 and this time.
Here are my screenshots:
Here are my screenshots:
Monday, October 30, 2017
Today we had to do Prototec and I got 97% and I got my award printed next time I am going to try stage 7.Monday, September 25, 2017
Student Led Conference
Student Led Conference
For the last few days we have had to do a slide called student led conference. It is all about what we are going to share with our parents for the student led conferences. So here is my slide.
I hope you like m slide. Next time I want to try and make it more pretty.
I think that my parents will like my slide.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Hey Guys!! Today we are back with another one of my blog posts!!
Today I am going to tell you about one of my achievements!!
I hope you like my achievement.
My first ever achievement was when I was little. It was to be really good at school which I am pretty sure I have done. And my second achievement is to get three friends when I started school and that happened pretty quick!! Which I am really proud of.
My third achievement was having a happy family. It used to be a achievement until my Mum left and moved to Ashburton to live with my Uncle but I still count it as a achievement. And last of all my latest achievement is having a happy life even though my Mum isn't around all that often I still have a happy life.
I think I want my next achievement to be is that I have a load of friends!! Because I don't have that many. I think I have 13 or 14 friends so I hope that I can get to twenty or more friends.
Values 2017
Friday, September 15, 2017
Scott Tulloch
Scott Tulloch
For the last two days we have had to do a blog post about Scott Tulloch!! because he came to our school on Thursday!!
Here is a slide that I did with my friend about Scott Tulloch
I hope you like our slide it took us forever to do it!!
Maybe next time we will try and get more photos of Scott Tulloch since it is just photos of his books!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Prototec Stage 6!!
Today I had to do prototec again and I tried to do stage 7 but it is to hard for me so I think that I will just stick with stage 6 and sometimes do stage 7.
Here are the screenshots that I took. There is my award in the screenshots again!!
Here are the screenshots that I took. There is my award in the screenshots again!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Prototec Stage 6!!
Hi guys, today I had to do Prototec Stage 6 it was to easy for me but I thought I better post about it anyway.
Here is my screenshot of the test and my award!!
Next time I am going to try stage 7 and see if that is to hard or to easy.
Here is my screenshot of the test and my award!!
Next time I am going to try stage 7 and see if that is to hard or to easy.
Friday, September 8, 2017
The Big Move
The Big Move 2017
All the new colours and all the classes working together, everyone working in teams and the fact that its a new space and of course the fact that there are so many more spaces to work in and more room because it's not just three class rooms it's the whole senior hub and I am really excited about what the new name for the hub is going to be and I am so excited because of the FLUFFY WALLS!!! . But sadly I am a little worried about how people are going to respect this new space and how they will act in some of the new rooms and I am also a little worried about the toilets because of the past of how people treated the school toilets and I am really worried how other people are going to think of this new hub. I think that I can make my attitude better by being me because my attitude is already good enough I think but if I did have to change my attitude the first thing I would do is get more sleep and if the doesn't work then I would put myself on PRE STRUCAUL for my attitude because then I would have to work my way up again. And I would follow the fish philosophy.
Here are some photos of the new block.
I hope you like the photo sorry that there is only one couldn't find more photos.
The Big Move
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Winter Acrostic Poem
Today I had to write my winter poem and put it on my blog.
I think next time I will make it longer and descriptive.
It took me a while to get the fonts so I hope you like it.
I think next time I will make it longer and descriptive.
It took me a while to get the fonts so I hope you like it.
Today I'm looking at my progress in my writing the whole year.
I have 6 screenshots, four of some of my best writing that I could find and two of the worst writing I could find.The reason that we are doing we are doing this is so we can see the caparison of term one and term two.
Here are the screenshots of my worst writing that I have done in term one.
I term one I didn't have as much confidence that it was good writing and I didn't write as much because I was struggling to think of what to write where now I am more confident about my writing and I can think of a lot more than before and I am starting to use more descriptive words.
Here is my best writing in this year.
I have 6 screenshots, four of some of my best writing that I could find and two of the worst writing I could find.The reason that we are doing we are doing this is so we can see the caparison of term one and term two.
Here are the screenshots of my worst writing that I have done in term one.
I term one I didn't have as much confidence that it was good writing and I didn't write as much because I was struggling to think of what to write where now I am more confident about my writing and I can think of a lot more than before and I am starting to use more descriptive words.
Here is my best writing in this year.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Today we did math basic facts using Prototec.Today I did stage 6 and it was a little bit harder than what I thought but if I keep on doing stage 6 I will master it.
If you don't know what Prototec is it is a free website that you use for math.
If you want to try out Prototec just search it up and it is the first one.
Anyway here is a photo or screenshot of what I did today.
Sorry if it is a bit blurry.
Anyway here is my next step.
My score was 37 out of 40 in total.✖
Maybe next time I could be a bit more focused and try to think a bit harder and I want to master this by the end of the week.
I hope you like my blog post!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Facts About Saturn!!
For the last two days I have been working on my voki that I had to make for my reading follow up. Here is a photo of my voki.
But here is a link so you can hear what my voki has to say.
Facts About Space!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Values 2017 Slide
Talofa and welcome back to my blog.
Next time I want to say something a bit more helpful.
Tofa Soifua!!!
Today we had to do a slide about Flexible Thinking and Explain what Flexible Thinking is and why it is so important and how I can improve my Flexible Thinking so here is my slide.
Next time I want to say something a bit more helpful.
Tofa Soifua!!!
Values 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Math Is Fun!!
Today we had to do time tables and we had to go to this Web Site called Maths Is Fun and you can do more than time tables .
It is a Website that will help you with a lot of things and if you have mastered time tables up to 12 then there is 13 timetables to 15.
Here is the link to Math Is Fun. Math Is Fun Link Click Here
Here is a photo of what I did and also I did nine timetables.
It is a Website that will help you with a lot of things and if you have mastered time tables up to 12 then there is 13 timetables to 15.
Here is the link to Math Is Fun. Math Is Fun Link Click Here
Here is a photo of what I did and also I did nine timetables.
I have mastered 1 and up to 11 but not nine or twelve
I think I should work on my nines then twelves.
Math Is Fun!!!!
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
For the past few years we have been going on this web site called Mathletics.It is really good for your education and you get a reward when you get 1000 points.
On Monday it was updated so now you can chose if you want to use the old one or the new one but the new one looks nicer and then you are learning more about Mathletics because you have to get used to all the diffrent things and you have to learn what is what and where the things are.
Today I have been working on Addition and Subtraction - Compensation - Add and it is about Addition and Subtraction.
Here is the link to the Web Site .
Here is a photo of my first Question
Friday, March 31, 2017
A Letter From An Old Friend!!
A Letter From An Old Friend!!
Dear Zoey
I have a lot of reasons why I am writing this letter for.
Why do you never play with me anymore?
I remember the time you were play on your trampoline with me and I keep on falling off.
Do you remember all the times you play with me and we had a lot of fun?
Now I am just your little brothers sleeping toy and he is really mean.
He throws me around and he toughs me.
It really hurts when he does that.
When will I be your toy again or your sleeping toy even though you don’t sleep with toys.
I have known you since you were a little baby and I was really special to you then.
What happened to all of the fun things and me being special to you?
I miss being by your side.
When will this be over?
When will you love me again?
I miss you!!
From your very sad friend Bunny.
The Letter
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The Water Cycle
The Water Cycle
You will need.
1.Big Bowl
2.Hot boiling water
4.Little Bowl
5.Glad wrap
Step 1. Grab your big bowl and put on the table.
Step 2. Pour 3-4 cms of boiling hot water in the big bowl with salt.
Step 3. Put the small bowl into the middle of the big bowl and make sure it is facing up.
Step 4. Put glad wrap over the big bowl.
Step 5. Put the weight on the glad wrap over the centre of the small bowl.
Step 6. Then you have to wait half an hour.
Step 7. After that half an hour you go check on it and you will see lots of water bubbles on the top over the little bowl and then you will see some of them drip into the little bowl.
I hope you try doing the experiment.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Scatter Ball
Kia ora Everyone.
For the last week we have been doing a some writing that people could play in play time.
Here is my writing.
For the last week we have been doing a some writing that people could play in play time.
Here is my writing.
Scatter Ball!!!
If you throw all three balls, and run then you can play, Scatter ball!!! To play this game you need, to have 4 cone (Bases), three balls and a bucket. The game is like Softball, with bases set in a diamond, consisting of a home base, and bases 1, 2 and 3. The main difference between Softball and Scatter ball however, is no batter and pitcher. This game is played entirely using your skills of throwing, catching, speed and teamwork. If you have got all of those things then you can play the game but first you need to have every single one of those well you don’t but if you want to be awesome at the game then you need to practice the game a lot and if you want to have all of those skills then you should keep on practicing the game.
Here are the steps to the game.
Step 1.First you need to set the area that you are going to be playing in. You would need 4 cones and place them in a diamond shape and they have to be 12m from each other. Then you would need to get a bucket and put it next to the cone that you pick to be your main base. After that you would need to get 3 balls and put them in the bucket.
Step 2.Next you need to put everyone into teams. I would do girl vs boys because then there is no fighting who goes in what team. Then you need to pick if girls throw first or boys.I would go girls first so then every girl gets a go.
Step 3.The throwing team line up and the fielders scatter around in the cones.
Step 4.The first person in line gets to take the 3 balls out of the bucket and throw them but if you throw them and a fielder catches it on there fall then you are out so I would roll them and then you have to run all the way around the cones and if the boys get the 3 balls back in the bucket before you get back to home base then you have to go back to the cone you had just passed but there is a catch with the fielders they can’t run with a ball so you need a backstop which is a person that stands at the bucket and you throw the ball to the them and they can only put one ball in the bucket at a time.
Rule 1.Don’t run with the ball
Rule 2. Don’t cheat
Rule 3. Have fun.
Rule 4. Don’t get angry if you don’t win
The aim of the game is to have fun & win
You win by getting the most points and you need skills to win.
This game gets very tense so be careful.
When the game is over you see what team has the most points and whoever has the most points we know has won.
I hope you play my game and enjoy it.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Port hills fire
Kia ora everyone today I am posting my writing on the port hills fire.My purpose of my writing is to entertain people.
When I got to school I heard a lot of people talking about the fire on port hills. When I got inside a bunch of people in groups talking about something but I didn’t know what they were they talking about at all.
Then Skyla came over to me and asked if I new about the fire that is on port hills and I said “What FIRE!?!?!?!” Then Skyla said “The FIRE that started 2 days ago did you not hear about it?” I said “No not till now and I live at the bottom of port hills.”
When I got home my mum told me to pack some important things that I would need if our house got burnt down. So I packed some clothes, shoes, my chromebook and my school bag to.Then I put in all in one spot that I would remember that I put it there. After that I had to help my mum pack photos and here wedding stuff and carry it to the car but I only carried my stuff because my mum's stuff was to heavy for me to carry but my dad help my mum carry her things.
When I got to school I felt worried that the fire would burst up into flames again and hit my house but it didn’t which was lucky for me and my mum because, my mum can’t buy another house because we didn’t have enough money and I would lose a lot of things.When I got home from school my mum told me to unpack my stuff because the fire got put out.
I have a question for you guys.
Do you think the fire is still going?
Friday, February 24, 2017
Today was my first day doing prototec again and I did stage 6!!!
I think I need to get better on my 1000 and division.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Welcome Back Everyone
Hi Welcome Back to 2017
I am proud that I am back because I get to swim, and I get play tennis with shame.
We get to have a new kiwi can leader this year .
I am looking forward to play winter sport, and get to do swimming lessons.
I am proud that I am back because I get to swim, and I get play tennis with shame.
We get to have a new kiwi can leader this year .
I am looking forward to play winter sport, and get to do swimming lessons.
Welcome back.
Porter Pig
PORTER PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lately I have been doing a doc for writing about a Porter Pig that lived on a farm and a kitten monster.
Porter Pig’s Problem Porter Pig was a very famous pig on farms all across the world. Not only could he lift a barn above his head, but he also had the best snout that anyone had ever seen. Porter Pig was the best at sniffing out trouble. He could smell trouble from fifty miles away. Whenever Porter Pig found trouble, he was always able to fix the problem and make everything okay. Farmers all over the world asked to see Porter Pig, hoping that they would be able to use his strength and snout to make their farm peaceful. One day, on a farm in the south, Porter Pig was sniffing for trouble when he smelled the worst smell he could ever imagine. Porter Pig rushed over to the barn where the smell were the smell was very strong. He lifted up the huge barn above his head, and there it was staring right into his eyes. Porter Pig had never seen anything like this before. It had small cute soft eyes that were as green as grass and teeth that were as small as kittens teeth and it has teeth as sharp as dogs teeth. It was a creature that no one could hate but they didn’t like the animal because it smelt like OFF TUNA and its breath smelt like TUNA too. When Porter Pig went AWWW the kitten, ran out from under the barn and went and sat by Porter Pig but then suddenly the, kitten that was a kitten got angry and turned into a monster, with really really really really SHARP TEETH, and EYE THAT WERE READ and the eyes made the kitten\Monster look really really really SCARY.Then suddenly Porter Pig SCREAMED HIS HEAD OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!After Porter Pig screamed the monster ate him and the Porter Pig stabbed the monster and then the monster turned back into a CUTE KITTEN THE END
HERE is a pic of PORTER PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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