
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Porter Pig

PORTER PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lately I have been doing a doc for writing about a Porter Pig that lived on a farm and a kitten monster.
Porter Pig’s Problem Porter Pig was a very famous pig on farms all across the world. Not only could he lift a barn above his head, but he also had the best snout that anyone had ever seen. Porter Pig was the best at sniffing out trouble. He could smell trouble from fifty miles away. Whenever Porter Pig found trouble, he was always able to fix the problem and make everything okay. Farmers all over the world asked to see Porter Pig, hoping that they would be able to use his strength and snout to make their farm peaceful. One day, on a farm in the south, Porter Pig was sniffing for trouble when he smelled the worst smell he could ever imagine. Porter Pig rushed over to the barn where the smell were the smell was very strong. He lifted up the huge barn above his head, and there it was staring right into his eyes. Porter Pig had never seen anything like this before. It had small cute soft eyes that were as green as grass and teeth that were as small as kittens teeth and it has teeth as sharp as dogs teeth. It was a creature that no one could hate but they didn’t like the animal because it smelt like OFF TUNA and its breath smelt like TUNA too. When Porter Pig went AWWW the kitten, ran out from under the barn and went and sat by Porter Pig but then suddenly the, kitten that was a kitten got angry and turned into a monster, with really really really really SHARP TEETH, and EYE THAT WERE READ and the eyes made the kitten\Monster look really really really SCARY.Then suddenly Porter Pig SCREAMED HIS HEAD OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!After Porter Pig screamed the monster ate him and the Porter Pig stabbed the monster and then the monster turned back into a CUTE KITTEN THE END

HERE is a pic of PORTER PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image result for monsterImage result for kitten

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